Ep 113-The Morning Routine for Improved Health and Happiness


“What we focus on, grows.”

Margie Bissinger, MS, PT,CHC 

Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC is a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and happiness trainer.  Margie has over 25 years of experience helping people with osteoporosis and osteopenia improve their bone health through an integrative comprehensive approach.

Margie has lectured to Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, hospitals, and women’s groups throughout the country. She has been featured in theNew York Times, Menopause Management, OB GYN New sand contributed to numerous health and fitness books.

Margie believes that happiness plays an integral role in our bone and overall health. She has been teaching her patients happiness habits for over 35 years and seen the powerful effects happiness has on chronic pain and recovery. Margie created The Happy Me, Happy Life 8-week online program to help people increase their energy, happiness level, and improve their overall health. In today’s podcast, Margie talks about the power of a morning routine to improve your health and happiness. 

Today, she discusses her morning routine- including her 4 must-do practices every morning.



[01:45] Jin Shin Jyutsu Technique
[05:49] Asking Empowering Questions
[07:53] Journalling
[13:50] Shower Clearing

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