Today’s Power Tip: Boost Your Bones While Enjoying Nature

During my recent trip to Sedona, Arizona, I was surrounded by the natural beauty and positive energy of this very special place. It reminded me of simple ways we can reduce our cortisol levels and strengthen our bones.聽Cortisol is the stress hormone that can reduce our body’s bone building cells and decrease our bone density.

Sedona Arizona


The following three tips will help reduce cortisol while bringing more happiness into your life.

  1. Spend time in nature –聽Simply put, nature is good for the soul. Walking in the exquisite landscape of the red rocks is awe-inspiring. Far too often we forget what a beautiful, natural wonderland we live in. Being out in nature has been shown to reduce聽cortisol聽and聽has also been linked to improved聽memory, and聽enhanced mental well-being.
  1. Be present in the moment –聽My days in Sedona were filled with hikes on natural, rugged trails. With tree stumps and rocks lining the paths, I needed to focus on each step to avoid tripping or falling. I had to be fully present. There was no room to dwell on the past or plan for the future. 聽I was able to enjoy the moment.聽 So often we have a running internal dialogue of thought and worry that distracts us from the present.聽Research聽has shown that mindfulness reduces cortisol. Take a deep breath and partake in all of life’s joy.
  1. Hike –聽Walking in the woodsreduces聽cortisol more than walking in the city.聽Hiking on uneven terrain gives your bones an extra benefit. Different muscles and forces are exerted on your body that help strengthen your bones. 聽It is also excellent for your balance and core strength. Remember to use good posture and not round out your back when hiking. 聽Feel free to use walking sticks or trekking poles to help you navigate.

You may think how can I experience the happy, relaxed vacation feeling every day? The key is to remember how great you felt and carry it with you in your daily life. Make it a priority to take time each day to do activities that you love and keep the mindset alive.


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