Power Tip #3 | Add More “Me Time”

Today’s Power Tip is to add “me time”聽into your life聽

2013 is here. My 22-year-old son told me that one of his New Year’s resolutions was to have more “me time.” I liked the phrase and asked him exactly what he meant. He said “me time” was time allocated to do positive things for your body, soul, and mind. I loved his response and think all of us can benefit from some “me time.”

How often do we rush through our hectic day and collapse into bed exhausted? We do so much for everyone else and usually put ourselves last on the list. This way of life can lead to stress, fatigue, and unhappiness. It is certainly not nourishing to our bones. So, it is now 2013 – a new year and a new you. Join me in adding some “me time” into our lives.

Here are some suggestions:

“Me time” to exercise

We all know how important exercise is for our bones and our overall health. Schedule exercise into your daily/weekly calendar or use a phone app to remind you. Exercise is just as important as any other appointment you may have. Put it on your calendar so the time is reserved. In this way, you will not have the excuse, “didn’t have the time.”

Equally as important is choosing a type of exercise that is nourishing for both your mind and body. You should love the time you spend exercising. If you dread doing your present exercise program or going to the gym, then it is time to change your routine. There are so many exercise options that are good for your body and also fun. Two that immediately come to my mind are dance and Tai Chi. Dancing is weight-bearing, and aerobic, and can be a great way to relax and enjoy yourself.

Tai Chi, while being meditative and calming, has been shown to improve bone mineral density and balance. Another suggestion that helps a lot of my clients is to find a friend to walk or exercise with on a regular basis. You and your exercise buddy will enjoy the camaraderie and support each other as you improve your health.

“Me time” to relax

This is an area that is so often overlooked. Too much stress, both good and bad, causes the body to leach calcium from our bones. One of the easiest ways to begin to relax is just to stop and take a few deep breaths throughout the day. A simple technique is to inhale through your nose to the count of four, hold for four seconds and then release slowly to the count of four through pursed lips. Find the activities and methods of relaxation that work for you and make time in your day for them. This will have a profound effect on your bone health and overall well-being.

“Me time” to eat nourishing whole food

Many of us shove our food in as quickly as we can in order to get to our next activity. Take the time to choose good, high quality, delicious food and chew it slowly. Chewing allows our bodies to absorb maximum nutrition from our food. Saliva makes our food more alkaline which is important for our bones.

If you are interested in learning more ideas and techniques on ways to use your “me time” to achieve optimal bone health, then join me for the next session of the POWER Method for Healthy Bones. In this 6-session web-based class, we will explore these concepts in detail.

For more information聽click here

Lastly, in case you missed it, check out last week’s Power Tip:
Power Tip #002 | Bring Chia into Your Life

Improve Your Bones Health Naturally

Take the first step toward optimal bone health today with this free mini-course!
